Poetry: The Seat of Angst and Joy

Unlike fiction, poetry lays bare the soul. When emotions are triggered, truth emerges to release the floodgates of our fundamental humanity.

Grief and celebration are opposites, yet poetry has the power to eulogise the celebration of a life, physically departed, yet vibrant in memories eliciting a smile, an inner giggle and the radiance of love shared. Memories are evocative through sensory imagery, the olfactory, the auditory, the tactile and visual, bringing a life well-lived into the conscious mind. From the ordinary to the sublime a mother’s love moves across time and space.


poetry lays bare the soul.


Random Heart Poetry: First Love, is the celebration of a mother mourned, loved and cherished. Poems in First Love are inspirational and biographical on the value of the manifold roles a mother plays in a single life. Loved or forsaken a mother’s love is immutable.


from the ordinary to the sublime a mother’s love moves across time and space.


As a biographical suite of poems, there remains the grace and privacy of a life well-lived, respected and honoured across continents from Africa to Australia. Random Heart Poetry: First Love portrays a faith-filled life in a selfless nurturing role in service to communities bent by life’s shadows. Random Heart Poetry: First Love depicts a noble life deserving of etched recognition on history’s page.



Random Heart Poetry: First Love is available in all your favourite platforms:



Draft to Digital (Apple, Libraries, et al.)


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Nurturing The Inner Creative


As emotional beings, the creative has a deep well of available resources to draw from in storytelling, writing poetry, and creating artwork.

The continual dipping and diving into emotional resources while working on a project drains energy for the capacity to be fully immersed while competing with life’s cacophony. The stretching of energy resources generated from deep creative work are challenged by personal situations that demand a share of the energy pumped into creativity.


Death, divorce, illness, moving house, or reframing work life, are but a few of life’s situations that test human stamina.


What is the way forward when passion projects and life’s necessities demand attention?

The first would be to step back from the writing desk, or the canvas to consciously acknowledge medical impediments, or pack up the Ute and head into the wilderness. Creatives write these situations into characters’ lives. The lived reality poses a different scenario. Just as characters require strength to overcome the imagined challenge, creatives need renewed energy to move forward.

A hiatus while weathering life’s challenges, recharges one for what lies ahead,  replenishes creativity by momentarily allowing grief, illness, etc; to hold space, or frees time to toss out unnecessary materialistic aspects of life to invite the fresh, and embrace the new.


Nurturing the creative within allows one to go on with what makes the heart sing


Creative nurturing, heals, elicits joy and and ignites the imagination with a nudge from a benevolent muse eager to fan the fires of creativity. Grab the nudge, save it in the in-tray for when the time is right.

How long should this hiatus be?

As long as it is necessary to refuel the tank for the gigantic leap ahead.

Nurturing the creative within benefits from gentle physical activity: A walk in a park, beach, a weekend getaway, and meditation, meeting old friends, helping at a soup kitchen, volunteering at the RSPCA, or randomly doing something such as taking in a morning movie for one–a few examples of how one could nurture the creative within.

Never let doubters make one feel that  being a creative on a break is a cardinal sin. While it might seem to be so to those who secretly hate their day jobs, the creative alone knows how to manage the emotional energy required to create timeless works of art.

Take a creative break when the need arises, not when you have you fix one of life’s demands. Then, watch productivity soar.


A source of inspiration:

“I saw that my image was changing or fading. One of the reasons for taking a break from clubs was to be missed—not forgotten.”  ~Sammy Davis


And…one more piece of motivation worth listening to:

Hakuna Matata!

Like read, share, or comment below on how you create space to nurture the inner creative.

Creativity and Grief


Creativity feeds off emotions both positive and negative. Words give vent to the language of the heart.

Grief after the passing of a deeply loved one, sucks the wind from the sails of creativity, for a while… Fighting it is futile, emotions are in a tangle when death is unexpectedly sudden.

Fit one day, gone the next. The mind is thrown into chaos as exhaustion sets in, slowing down the clock to a sonorous ticking of every minute, every hour.


Be gentle with yourself when grief momentarily steals the creative edge.


Isolation and solitude are necessary to process the deeply felt loss. Within there is the need to comfort the nearest and dearest around one going through the same process.

But in those still, grieving, reflective moments, hours, days, and many weeks, creativity takes on a new face — creative expression on loss and grief. Picking up a pen and journal offers the promise of comfort when there is no inclination to turn on the laptop. Poetry emerges in the healing as words tumble out in emotional self-expression, mourning the deep-seated loss.



Words comfort and clear the brambles of the heart.


Seeking solace in meditation while grieving might, at times, seem impossible when the conscious mind buckles, contorts in pain. The way out is through writing, giving vent to grief and anger and all the unanswered whys


Memory beckons, draws one in to seek solace in understanding the heart’s tears.


Soon, day by day, time allows the soul to accept, to find a new way, to adapt, to be, by letting go of the familiar patterns of one’s life. As humans we are adaptable to change, if one allows the mind to remain healthy by turning to warm memories, and articulating emotions — pain eases, and limits sinking into the dark depths of despair.

Grief is the single most difficult challenge of life (as I see it) in coming to terms with the gentle, deep cadence of a voice one will never hear again, a face never seen again in the flesh – the Guiding Light of one’s angst no longer there to soothe troubles or share joy.


Time is a long-standing ally to a grieving soul.


Acceptance is not an easy path to tread when the void is palpable…huge… but healing will come with time as memories resurface in those moments when a birthday card or photograph falls out a book, or pops up on a phone or Facebook Memories to remind one of the love shared. Loss is never overcome, but heart-warming moments return when least expected in unexpected places, to catch a breath in quiet recall to ignite a smile.


Creativity hooks emotions — grief the impasse as the eye turns inward to gather new creative pace and space.


If you have lost a loved one, take heart, your muse never flees in the hours of need, but draws renewed vigour from your newest angel, ready to guide your creative light.


a month too soon

let him rise in peace

as he lived his life

sharing love and joy with those

who honoured his stature

a compassionate giving soul

taken gently in the early morn

rising swiftly into the arms of Divine Grace

(RIP Beloved Father of Mine)


I hope you find comfort and reassurance that grief borne needs time, so be gentle with your creative self by keeping the mind healthy to protect your heart for the wondrous, comforting glow of memory and renewed imagination…



Stay safe.


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