The town knew darkness…and the awful, heavy silence of terrifying images grotesquely dancing in and out of the shadows…

But no one living in Salem’s Lot dared talk about the high, sweet, evil laughter of …



Here are two brief excerpts from my novel, ‘Across Time and Space’

  1). She knocked at the door.

It opened with the force of a heavy gust of wind. Meryl jumped away gasping. Framed in the light of the candelabra, Ana looked chalky-pale against her black head of hair left hanging about her shoulders…

2)….she awoke for the second time that night aware that she was not alone in this vast house beside the olive grove. …the silhouettes of two figures bending over loomed on the wall…

Try writing a suspenseful moment, use a piece of haunting music to beckon your muse forth!

Happy Writing!