Author Proficiency and Professionalism



Author professionalism is not negotiable in a world where access to all we say, do and create is out in the world with a click.

It costs nothing to be supportive of aspiring authors and accept that there are oceans of experienced, seasoned authors out there who act as mentors and are deserving of respect and acknowledgement. Blog about the work others do put yourself out there to be blogged about and while you find your way to being noticed as a writer, notice others in a personable, professional manner.

The publishing landscape is rich and diverse with an ever-growing space for all. Collaboration is vital as learning is never exhausted. As a teacher, this lesson was all too clear with constant syllabus changes or when students challenged an idea and a new wave of thought was born. Like classrooms without borders, learning is a two-way process, and so too is the writing, and publishing world.


Pride and ego waste creative energy—aiming towards excellence is a humble, hardworking process. No one person is gifted in the craft without commitment and extensive effort in being worthy to be viewed as a mentor/master of the craft.






Being proficient is ensuring great covers clothe your labour of creative love, and that they appeal to the genre and audiences’ interest. Having your work edited is an important step in the writing process to rise to professional standards in the industry. (although creativity is not an industry for me—a labour of love for sure!) Publishing services come with a price tag if it’s quality that matters. With quality, the stamp of professionalism is assured.



Never compromise your values…



Professionalism as an author like any walk of life is also about expressing thanks and appreciation without the ‘I’m the artist’ big-headed attitude. Collectively a professional outlook makes success a possibility. Professionalism can be challenged when confronted by unethical practices in the publishing ecosystem but as always it’s best to walk away, let it be, there are plenty more avenues out there to pursue, that might well be a better fit for you. Like any job, if the fit is not good, move on to greener pastures, or create your own. As a writer, you steer the vessel on the path you choose to take.


Alliance of Independent Authors /



Authors are among some of the most exploited people if unaware of the pitfalls. The way to armour yourself is to sign up for authentic associations, register for webinars and Facebook live sessions, attend conferences, network, to educate yourself in knowing that the allure of being published comes with ethical responsibility. Read, research and find your way with the confidence that you are proficient and professional.




Writing is a solitary process but being an author is a collaborative role. Aspiring writers, you are not alone. Pick who you follow, to wisely ensure you are protecting your craft and practice.




Happy Writing/Creating and Publishing.

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